The History of Soap

Nice to see my article posted on the history of soap…. published in the Soap Making Magazine of The Soap Kitchen. You can read it here:

Yaso Shan tells us the story of how soap began, are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin…

In the world of personal hygiene, getting clean is big business. From shower gels to cleansing bars and from face washes to body scrubs to name but a few. But what about our old faithful: the humble bar of soap? It seems to be enjoying a bit of resurgence not only in the personal hygiene products market but also in the eco-friendly products market. The latter is mainly because traditional soap does not involve unnecessary packaging or bottling, least of all in the use of plastic such as liquid soaps, and being biodegradable, waste is not a problem. This sits well with many consumers worried about plastic pollution and excessive production of non-recyclable waste. Moreover, the seemingly endless varieties on a tried and tested basic soap formula provide much choice to consumers. So how and where did it all start for soap?

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Vinings Clinic Talks 2018

It’s time for our next series of free talks hosted at Vinings Natural Health Centre. 

We all tend to put everyone else first, and ourselves last, don’t we? But that doesn’t do us any good, or those around us. It’s time to learn the Art of Self Care, in a series of totally free talks at Vinings Natural Health Centre.

Each Tuesday evening starting on Tuesday 18th September, 7pm – 8pm, one of our therapists will share their knowledge and experience on the topic of The Art of Self Care. The talks are free but space is limited so please do let us know if you are planning to come along – call 01444 441 210 and leave us a message – thank you!

We look forward to welcoming you to Vinings!

Vinings Art of Self Care 2018

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