Fantastic Results at Central Sussex College

Central Sussex College has been celebrating a particularly good year for A Level results at its Sixth Form Haywards Heath campus (Thursday 18 August). With an overall pass rate of 99%, surpassing the national average of 98.1%, students and staff were delighted with the results. 75.4% of our A Level students achieve top grades of A* to C, an improvement of 2.5% on last
year, with many progressing to their first choice university. Great results from my A Level Biology students. Well done guys! So very proud of you all especially after all the disruption; you are truly amazing and your accolades are well deserved…. University will be a breeze after all this!

Harry, Toby KyraEmma Sinclair Group 2016 IMG_1726[1] Kyra Thomas Toby Collen

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Herbal Tea-Tasting Challenge

Hosted my potea_tasting_readypular herbal tea-tasting challenge to the good people of 1st Central Insurance based at their Haywards Heath offices. Very impressed by their knowledge of medicinal herbs as well as their taste buds being spot on; well done guys!1st-CENTRAL-ISD-Logo_RGB

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Mind, Body, Spirit – Well-being Festival May 2016

Spring is here, it’s brighter, it’s happier and it’s time to start planning your London Wellbeing Experience

This year’s festival is going to be a heady mix of Wellbeing delights to stimulate, inspire and ignite your inspiration and aspirations for a more empowered, healthier, balanced lifestyle. So grab your buddies and head on down to Olympia for this years “must visit” Festival.

The London workshop programme offers a collection of awesome international workshop leaders and cutting edge teachers. Presenting new ideas on Relationships, Awakening, Feng Shui, Inspired Living, NLP, Yoga, Meditation, Science and Angels. The focus as always is to bring you practical life skills, tools and techniques you can use to experience more of what you truly want from your life.

All NEW FEATURE. Put your wellbeing in the hands of London’s top therapists. The Wellbeing Spa is an immersive celebrations of health and wellbeing nestled on the Exhibition floor. Creating a tranquil hideaway to relax, revitalise and reawaken your senses. Treatments offered include Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Swedish Massage and Holistic Facials. 

MBS logo MBS Festival 2016

More information and details of the festival can be found at: 

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Craft Shows at Lancing College

Woodland Crafts were back again in 2016 for their 20th year at the beautiful venue at Lancing College staged inside the beautiful and historic buildings. The inspiring venue has an amazing and spectacular Chapel which sits proudly on the hill, overlooking the sea, with beautiful views of the South Downs. Woodland Crafts host two great craft shows each year, their first being in April and the second in October.

Lancing College is a fantastic setting to stage their delightful maker-only craft events. Visitors to these events will have the opportunity to discover the very best contemporary, unique and original hand-crafted products direct from the makers and designers. Here you can treat yourself with products not
available on the high street.

This year it was great to see a wide selection of talented craftsmen and women showcasing their products. There was everything from ceramics, fashion accessories, furniture, glasswork, jewellery and knitwear, through to metalwork, woodworking, lustreware, textiles, artwork, food, drink and so much more. It  was very enjoyable watching talented makers and artists demonstrating their skills and techniques. There was bespoke design and personalised gifts as well with exhibitors happy to help! S. We’re sure you’ll enjoy the lovely things on show, perhaps stay for lunch or afternoon tea and enjoy the live  demonstrations. Do make sure you have time to visit the beautiful and famous Lancing Chapel too!

Here is a selection of pictures from the day……

Lancing-College-150x150 Lancing-Crowd-150x150 Lancing-Demonstration-150x150 Silver_Jewellery-150x150

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Mind, Body, Spirit – Burgess Hill, Sussex

Last year theMBS Burgess Hill Vinings Natural Health Centre took part in the Mind, Body, Spirit event in Haywards Heath – and we enjoyed it so much we’re doing it all over again! Ali McNab, who organised last year’s event, is also behind this one, which will take place at the Martlets Hall in Burgess Hill on Saturday 27th February from 10am to 5pm.

Why not come along and say hello? Various members of the Vinings team will be there, so you can talk about natural health remedies, treatments and therapies, and overall well-being. Perhaps even enjoy a taster neck and shoulder massage too (it’s worth a visit just for that!).

The Martlets Hall is right in the town centre at Burgess Hill, and there is plenty of pay & display parking close by. There is also a good bus service around the town, and the train station is no more than 10 minutes away.

For full information, go to:  .

We look forward to seeing you there!

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