Amazing results for our students especially in the sciences. We have been celebrating an excellent year for A Level results at its Sixth Form Haywards Heath campus today (Thursday 13 August).
Students and staff at the College marked the occasion with a special continental breakfast including bucks fizz, fresh juice and a range of tasty pastries, after achieving an overall pass rate of 98%. This year, more students than ever before (73%), achieved high grades of A* to C, with many moving on to top UK universities including, Oxford, Imperial College London, University College London (UCL), University of Bath, Bristol University and Exeter University to name a few.
Among this year’s high achievers was eighteen year old Greg Henderson, from Haywards Heath. He was awarded three A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics, achieving an astounding 100% in two out of the three subjects. Greg has been accepted to study Physics at the University of Oxford. An outstanding biology student Katie Tomsett scored 100% in both her Biology exams – a fantastic achievement! She will go on to read Biology at the University of Sussex after securing a number of unconditional offers from the Russell Group Universities.
Another high-flyer was eighteen year old Yann Newby, from Haywards Heath. Yann achieved an A* in Chemistry and two As in Biology and Maths, allowing him to go on to Oxford University to study Biological Sciences. Catherine Jesson successfully achieved A* and 2 As will go onto study Medicine.
The team is very proud… WELL DONE GUYS!