Christmas Fair 2015 – Bridge Community Centre

The Bridge Community Centre Christmas Fair took place on Saturday 5 December 2015. What a day!! A fantastic turn out for a fantastic group of artists, food crafters and local community. Here are some pics from the day….

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Cheese-Making Course 2015

Attended a very enjoyable cheese making class on Saturday 17 October 2015, including cheese tasting, a Dairy Tour and our finished cheeses to take home. The cheese making courses are unique in being offered by a working Cheese Dairy, and of particular value was the guided tour  of the Dairy to see how cheese is made on a bigger and commercial scale. This offered valuable insights into running a hobby on a scale profitable as a business. Here are some pictures from the day…..

Yaso cheese-making Oct 17 Cheese Pic1

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Haywards Heath Town Day 2015

Haywards Heath Town Day is an annual community event in Haywards Heath that takes place in Victoria Park. This year’s Town Day was joined with Sussex Police 999 Fun Day and took place on Saturday 5th September 2015 . There were plenty of stalls, fairground rides, food stalls and arena events. There were displays from emergency services as well as Thames Valley Police horses. Of course, Vinings Natural Health Centre was there to participate.

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Great review of Centella Night Cream

Have had a lovely review of Centella’s Replenishing Night Cream in the Autumn issue of Juno magazine (, a top print and digital natural parenting magazine with an ethos based on conscious parenting, sustainability, social justice, non-violence and a commitment to personal growth and spiritual awareness. JUNO offers fresh perspectives in this fast-paced technological world, creating a non-judgemental community for those who are keen to follow “a natural approach to family life”. There are columns on home-education, empowered birth, teens and nutrition; interviews, craft and recipe ideas and a mix of features that can help readers make informed choices as they journey through the challenges of parenting.

Always good to read such great, positive feedback! Review for Juno Magazine Autumn 2015

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Great Day for Our Science Team!

Amazing results for our students especially in the sciences. We have been celebrating an excellent year for A Level results at its Sixth Form Haywards Heath campus today (Thursday 13 August).

Students and staff at the College marked the occasion with a special continental breakfast including bucks fizz, fresh juice and a range of tasty pastries, after achieving an overall pass rate of 98%.  This year, more students than ever before (73%), achieved high grades of A* to C, with many moving on to top UK universities including, Oxford, Imperial College London, University College London (UCL), University of Bath, Bristol University and Exeter University to name a few.

Among this year’s high achievers was eighteen year old Greg Henderson, from Haywards Heath. He was awarded three A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics, achieving an astounding 100% in two out of the three subjects. Greg has been accepted to study Physics at the University of Oxford. An outstanding biology student Katie Tomsett scored 100% in both her Biology exams – a fantastic achievement! She will go on to read Biology at the University of Sussex after securing a number of unconditional offers from the Russell Group Universities.

Another high-flyer was eighteen year old Yann Newby, from Haywards Heath. Yann achieved an A* in Chemistry and two As in Biology and Maths, allowing him to go on to Oxford University to study Biological Sciences. Catherine Jesson successfully achieved A* and 2 As will go onto study Medicine.

The team is very proud… WELL DONE GUYS!

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